Halloween 2006

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Stamps for Halloween 2006?

Welcome to my Halloween 2006 blog, friend.

Today I went to the USPS and bought 50 one-cent stamps, a few two-cent stamps, etc. It was a vision that I had: giving kids stamps for Halloween!

So here's the drill: When someone comes and a-rings the doorbell, I answer the door, and the conversation goes something like this (to use my Discourse Analysis skills--thanks Professor Lakoff from UC Berkeley!):

The Halloween Dialog:
Kids: "Trick or Treat!?"
Me: "So what happens if i say "treat?"
Kids: (3 second pause...)
Me: "Yeah, I don't know either, but do you know what diabetes is?"
Kids: (2 second Pause...)
Me: "Diabetes is what happens when you eat too much candy. So, here are some stamps"
Me: Can I take a picture?"
(Kids say yes)

Then I take the picture and wish the kids "a good one". This is an improvement over last year's Halloween, when I actually had candy to give, thereby contributing to the childhood obesity and Type II diabetes of the children of America. Whew.

Hey, did you hear that Wendy's has stopped using trans fats in its cooking? And that all the other chains are saying they're going to follow suit (hurry up already!).

Here are some more pictures of Halloween 2006.:

What cute kids!

PS I've made $1.43 so far with the AdSense content. ALMOST pays for my stamp purchases today.